about us

There are hundreds of different reasons why people decide to pursue a career as a personal trainer. Sometimes they’re driven by a desire to help others change the way they live. Sometimes they’re driven by a life experience that instilled in them the value of fitness, like having overweight parents or struggling with weight themselves. Sometimes they simply don’t like their current jobs. No matter how you landed on this path, the fact that you’re here tells us you want to help people improve their health. And that’s a mission we understand.

The way to achieve your ideal body is to speed up your metabolism by building lean muscle so that calories get diverted away from fat storage.

Most people think of calories as something they need to burn off. If they eat a bagel, they punish themselves with an hour on the treadmill. This does burn the calories, but it's a never-ending battle, and it won't lead to long-term results. But if you change the way your body uses calories, you can truly reshape your physique.

Your body does 3 different things with calories. It converts them into energy for physical activity. It stores them as fat. Or it burns them to repair and maintain muscle. You can change the way your body uses calories by changing your body composition. This requires increasing the percentage of muscle that makes up your body weight.

We focus on getting you to the maximum metabolic rate, rather than just a specific body weight number.

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Fusce in dolor eget dui bibendum eleifend id eu sem. Donec tempus diam eu quam pulvinar non facilisis erat tempus. Morbi fringilla sagittis mi, in semper diam malesuada sit amet. Nulla id vestibulum felis. Nunc in arcu eros, at imperdiet lacus. Vivamus lectus nisl, rhoncus ac lacinia at, pellentesque ac nulla. Donec imperdiet, nisl sit amet dapibus pretium, dui metus dapibus turpis, semper luctus nisl libero et mauris. Quisque egestas consequat mi. Aenean orci mauris, viverra sit amet tincidunt eget, facilisis id ligula. Curabitur sollicitudin ornare justo vel pretium. Pellentesque adipiscing suscipit neque at pretium. Morbi viverra placerat eros id venenatis. Quisque at massa arcu. Phasellus magna dolor, tempus ac condimentum non, imperdiet eget ligula. Cras eleifend consectetur sapien, nec dignissim nulla condimentum eu.

Nam ultricies nisi id libero ultricies condimentum. Nunc nibh libero, rhoncus ac consequat et, dictum vel ipsum. In faucibus auctor eros quis varius. Vestibulum semper dolor sed mauris tempus eget dignissim felis tristique. Ut quis tempor lectus. Ut vestibulum lobortis arcu sit amet tempor. Donec mollis ultricies aliquam. Quisque purus libero, rutrum vitae dapibus ac, venenatis quis purus. In tincidunt porta dui vel fringilla.